We are an ecumenical Christian organization working in partnership with God’s people who are in need of a decent and affordable home. A standard new home in our program features 3 bedrooms and 2 baths with a typical mortgage payment being about $450 per month.
Our Home Renovation or "Critical Home Repair" Program provides urgent and major home repairs to lower income homeowners who struggle to maintain the interior and/or exterior of their homes. Critical repairs include roof replacement, HVAC installations, or even, complete overhauls.
A Brush with Kindness Program is an exterior home repair and preservation program that offers painting, grass mowing, weather stripping, wheelchair ramps, and other minor repair services for low-income seniors, disabled and other homeowners in need.
Our Aging with Kindness Program provides minor home repairs to prevent elderly homeowners from suffering injury and falls, accidents or having to move out of their homes and into assisted living.
We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide a feasible solution. Let us know how we can help.
Thank you for contacting us.
Stayed tuned for Habitat news and events!